UPDATE: What do You think?
"One such ALEC conference was held in North Carolina. “While nobody can say for sure where the next religious freedom law bill will pop up, it’s probably a safe bet to look at where their most recent national conferences were held and where the next one will be,” says Meyer." http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2015/0330/Who-s-pushing-the-religious-freedom-legislation-in-states
If you are as fed up, disgusted, and ready to SCREAM about all those poor persecuted conservative (white) Christians as I am…take heart. This country is being run like one big giant school yard and the Bullies with the Bibles (they've never read….) are beating us over the head and getting away with it. Or at least they have a bigger voice. (Have you ever been to a Southern Baptist Revival? I have. Left the SBC when I was in my teens…their hypocrisy was evident even then….)
Grab a cup of coffee, or glass of sweet tea (I live in the south…) are read this. SPREAD IT AROUND, too.
"Christian fundamentalists in this country are practiced at claiming marginalization and oppression. “They’re always saying they’re kept out of the public square, and that’s baloney,” said Marci Hamilton, a constitutional law expert and the author of “God vs. the Gavel.” “They’re all over the public square."……from a NY Times article by Frank Bruni.
And besides, are we not supposed to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?"
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