Friday, February 10, 2012

Where Have All The Ribbons Gone?

 Just happened to notice something as I drive around the outskirts of good old Knoxville here: the cars seem to be devoid of all the ubiquitous Pink for the Cure stick-ons. Usually they are plastered hither, thither and yon........but they are no longer omnipresent. There are, of course, still some Pink for the Cure license plates. Wadda ya gonna do?

Seems just like the other day that the Republicans (I don't know if they were called Right wingers then) were up in arms because a Catholic was running for President of the United States. A papist, mind you, here in River City....or something like that. JFK had to practically swear a second oath that the Catholic Church or the Vatican would NOT influence any decisions he made in his capacity as president. Now we have Mike Huckabee announcing at CPAC (that conservative anti-Obama rally for the GOP) that "we are all Catholics now." Bet the Baptists are none too happy about that.........

Of course, we all know how the Vatican feels about contraception. Too bad they don't feel the same way about rape or child molestation, but I digress. Seems like they're up in arms over "having to provide it for their insured women, and it's against their religion." President Obama simply adjusted the proposal to say 'OK, YOU don't have to cover them due to 'religious grounds' but your employees can get still them through SOME insurance coverage NOT provided by you." Uh.....never mind......

After a while it gets a LITTLE tiring, playing in the sand box with this group of kindergartners. All they want to do is take their shovels, beach balls, pails, water bottles, and blankies and say "No, you can't play unless we do it MY way."  Or "I was here first....."

All I can say is: I'm glad I"M not running the daycare.......

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